Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Pwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau

Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee

Blaenoriaethau ar gyfer Pwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau

Priorities for the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee

EIS 11 Ffederasiwn Adeiladwyr Cartrefi

EIS 11 Home Builders Federation



Many thanks for consulting HBF and providing the opportunity to submit comments for the Committees consideration in terms of their future work programme.


Having looked at the areas of work that the Committee cover, housing appears not to be one of them, although we would suggest that the provision of infrastructure is very closely linked to the delivery of all types of new housing.  This view is supported by the Ministerial Foreword of the Wales Infrastructure Investment Plan for Growth and Jobs - Project Pipeline Update February 2016 which states:


‘These priorities reflect our ambitions to improve transport and telecommunications networks, support the development of the energy industry, invest in housing, deliver more efficient and economical public services, improve the quality of the educational estate and develop our Enterprise Zones.’


Further within the Wales Infrastructure Investment Plan for Growth and Jobs 2012, Housing has its own section and although this focusses on the provision of social housing there is clearly also a need for private housing in Wales.  This need is most recently demonstrated by the Holmans Report [Future Need and Demand for Housing in Wales - Sept 2015].  The Report concluded that in order to meet the current housing need in Wales we need to build up to 12,000 homes a year (both social and private), last year we built just under 7,000.  New infrastructure projects such as the Metro (South and North) and M4 relief road are critical in order that sustainable transport routes can be created to provide the sustainable development opportunities required, if this level of new housing is to be delivered.


Further Strategic Infrastructure projects will deliver economic growth, both supporting existing and creating new jobs across Wales, this will not only create the need for more homes, but also supports people with the aspiration to own their own home.  It is therefore critical that the link between infrastructure, employment and housing are considered together. 


With regard to this linkage we note the recent establishment of a number of City Regions (Cardiff and Swansea), the successful bid for a City Deal based around Cardiff, in addition the Planning Wales Act 2015 creates the ability to prepare a National  Development Framework Plan (to replace the Wales Spatial Plan) and the option for Local Authorities to work together to produce a Strategic Development Plan. The HBF suggest that it would be beneficial for the Committee to have an understanding of how these National and Strategic Plans and the aspirations of the City Regions and City Deals fit together with the delivery of the infrastructure required to support the development they are likely to propose.



Mark Harris

Planning & Policy Advisor Wales

Home Builders Federation